News and Events

AGM 2021

This year’s AGM will be held on Tuesday 23rd March 2021 at 7.30 on Zoom. Further details on the meeting can be found on the events page.

How to Join

You can use one of the following:

  1. Use this link to the meeting
  2. Manually join via Zoom software with meeting ID 895 8891 1270 and passcode 701955
  3. Call 0131 460 1196 and use the meeting ID and passcode above

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is running again this year between Friday 29th January and 31st January.

Helen Skelton (wildlife plot helper) will be taking part this year, and would like to combine the efforts of other plot holders as part of a winter bird survey. For the RSPB survey you only need to spend an hour bird spotting but of course, if you want to do longer and provide the information to Helen that would be great! Please email her at


FHS has joined this scheme collecting unwanted excess vegetables from Barnet Allotments which are then delivered to local charities which include Homeless Action Barnet (HAB), The Trussell Trust food banks and East Finchley’s refugee kitchen.

Empty boxes are left out over the weekend and collected late afternoon on the Sunday and this will carry on until the Autumn.

In the first week of this scheme Gordon Road took the prize for the most donations so well done and lets carry on making a difference.

Plants for Sale 2020

Because of the Corona virus and the subsequent lack of volunteers who sow the seeds, we only have a limited amount of plants for sale this year. And this is for members only. If you would like some plants please email your requirements by Thursday 14th May to

If you can pay on line. Account No. 63253031 Sort Code 20 95 61 this would be much appreciated. Please insert your last name and “Plants” in the reference box. However, if you are not happy with online banking, please leave the correct amount in an envelope when you collect your plants. The plants will be available to collect in Gordon Road car park on Sunday 17th May and you will be allocated a time for collection. The list is available here. We look forward to hearing from you.

As well as the list of plants and vegetables we also have some herbs for sale as follows:

Basils- Italian -purple- Thai- holy- GreekBronze

fennel- green fennel


 Bay leaf


Winter savory 

Corsican mint

Chocolate mint


Corona Virus

Sadly, the Coronavirus Pandemic has forced us to cancel the Plant Sale this year. Inevitably, this will mean a huge reduction in income for us this year as this is our biggest fundraiser.
 Social distancing restrictions and a reduction in the number of volunteers meant that fewer seeds were sown and after the lockdown no more seeds were planted. There are a few flowers such as petunias as well as chilli plants, peppers and some leeks, which are sown early. We hope to be able to offer these during May.
It’s not too late to sow your own seeds. The large seed companies are offering some vegetable seeds on line and Franchi Seeds also have some availability. Sutton Seeds offer a discount to FHS members with the code GS1052F, which gives 50% off seeds and 15% off plants. Ebay may also be another source of seeds as are some supermarkets.

At Gordon Road members are adhering to the procedures that help to keep us all safe and some of these will be helpful at Brent Way and Nethercourt Allotments.

  • Keep the gate locked at Gordon Road – we always get one or two visitors when the gates are left open, which is not safe at the current time
  • social distancing at 2 metres or more
  • wearing gloves for opening the gate
  • wearing gloves when using the compost loo 
  • wearing gloves when using the wheelbarrows
  • wearing gloves when using the water taps
  • use sanitiser gel before entering the site and on the site
  • wash your hands when you get home
  • bring a flask if you want a hot drink 
  • don’t come to the allotments if you or someone at home thinks they have the virus

Plotholders should note the guidance from the National Allotment Society

AGM 2020

This will be held on Tuesday 17th March at 7.30. The venue is Finchley Tennis Club on Brent Way. During the meeting there will be elections for members of the General Committee and the Allotment Committee. These committees are run by a small number of dedicated volunteers and we are always on the lookout for new members. If you feel you can help in any way please contact the Committee.

Nomination forms are available here.

General Committee nomination form

Allotments Committee Nomination form

The meeting will also include a lecture on bee keeping to be given by Louis Zweig.

Christmas Social

All FHS members and families are invited to the Christmas Social on Sunday 15th December 11am until 1pm. It will be held in The Piggery Tea Hut Gordon Road Allotments. Mince Pies, Mulled Wine and Soft Drinks.


Finchley Way Open Space is owned and managed by Barnet Council. It is open to the public. But while the Council mow the grass in part of the area, the other part is too overgrown to access. It needs more care and attention than the Council provide, so there are plans to set-up a Friends Group to bring the area back into use for the enjoyment of residents. For more information Email:


Don’t forget the Bonfire Party next Sunday 3rd November 4pm-6pm at Gordon Road Allotments. Try Tony’s famous pumpkin soup. However there are no fireworks at this event. All FHS members and their families are welcome. RSVP to


The prize giving for the plot and site competitions is being held at Rathbone Allotments, Ryalls Court, N20 0RY on Monday evening 21 October.  It will be a social event and we ask that you bring along a buffet item for sharing.  Tea and coffee will be provided, but if you want an alcoholic drink, please bring this along with you.

The evening will start at 7.30pm with the buffet supper and the presentations will follow on from then.